Young and Single – Why Life Insurance Now?

There is an interesting aspect of life insurance coverage in Boise, ID that many people don’t take advantage of when they can. Buying a policy when young and healthy is always going to be far less costly then when older. It’s based on a very simple principle that, according to the Fuhriman Insurance Agency, risk goes up the older one gets. So, a 40-year-old buying a term life policy is never going to be able to get the same coverage pricing as a 21-year-old. However, many folks think they should only be considering life insurance once they are seriously involved or married or raising kids; the logic is stuck on the idea someone already has to be around aside from the insured to make the policy worthwhile. In fact, by purchasing a policy when young, a customer locks in one of the best coverage pricing points possible. And since term life insurance can be maintained on single term policies for up to 30 years at a time, it starts to make real sense when one does the numbers with a lower price point versus starting later at a higher premium price level when older. And this same benefit applies on life insurance whether a customer is in Boise, ID or anywhere else in the U.S.

So if you’re thinking there’s no real reason for you to have life insurance because of being single and young, think again. Securing a policy now through a reputable insurance broker like the folks at Fuhriman Insurance Agency could provide a huge cost advantage versus later on when risks are naturally higher. Don’t get caught up in mistaken assumptions. Call the Fuhriman Insurance Agency staff to day to find out what a simple term life policy can do for you in the long term.