Why does my small business need commercial insurance

As a small business owner in Boise, ID, there are many things that may be on your mind. Whether or not you need commercial insurance may be one of the things you have been thinking about. At the Fuhriman Insurance Agency, we are always available to give you any advice that you may need before making such an important decision. Every business is unique and has its own set of needs. 

Your small business needs commercial insurance because things happen. Not all things that happen are good. Some of them can really impact your ability to do business. Things like a fire or a severe wind storm can damage the building where your business is located. If you don’t have commercial insurance how will you be able to repair the damages? In the event that something happens to your building, how will you be able to pay your employees or to replace the damaged inventory? How will you be able to have an income while your business is out of business? If your answer is I don’t know, the answer is you need to have commercial insurance. 

If someone visits your business location and is hurt or is hurt by one of your products and decides to file a suit against you how will be able to afford legal counsel or to pay any judgment against you?  Again this is where your small business benefits from commercial insurance. 

These are just a few of the reasons why you need commercial insurance for your small business. Why not give our knowledgeable agents at the Fuhriman Insurance Agency in Boise, ID a call or stop by our office and let us help you design a policy that meets all your particular needs. Our website can also supply some valuable information. We are always happy to give you a no-obligation quote.